Who We Are

At BreakSpace, we know you want to be a great business leader. In order to succeed you need your employees to be engaged, productive and loyal. The problem is they aren’t eating healthy, connecting with each other, or maybe they just don’t care anymore, which makes you feel like you’re doing something wrong. Your employees shouldn’t have to feel disengaged at work. We understand how it feels to have your workers lose interest in their jobs. That’s why we help businesses increase employee retention and engagement with convenient on-site dining and refreshment services, creating company culture, fostering connections, relaxation, and healthy eating, at no cost to your business. Here’s how it works:

1. Setup a discovery call.

2. Our team designs a custom setup for your breakroom.

3. We install the new equipment.

It’s that easy! So call us today so you can stop feeling like you’re doing something wrong and start shaping your business into a thriving place for top talent.

Contact us!